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What the students are saying...

"For me it is a great blessing to be in EC, especially at this time that has been so hard, I think is a testimony to all those who do not know God, can come and seek Him."


-Valeria (6th Grade)



"EC have taught me to love God and now what is happening in the city we can trust that God is protecting us."


-Omar (6th grade) 



"I learned that God is Almighty, they have taught me the love of God, I didin’t knew anything and I have of learned a lot of English."


-Citlally (4th grade)



"I like E.C for being a Christian school, all students and teachers are very respectful and smart and I thank all of his attentions."


-Oscar Fernando (5th grade)



"At EC, we do not only learn academically, but spiritually, and  we have learned to be respectful of others."


-Ireri (5th grade) 



"In EC I've learned and I've changed my way of speaking, because I said many bad words"


-Andres Jesus (2nd grade)



"At EC I learned many bible verses, I learned to pray, I learned many things about God, I could not stand in front of people to pray before but now I can."


-Lia sotelo (3th grade)



"Being at Eagle College has been a great blessing because I have learned to pray and praise God. And I discovered that God is almighty and worthy to be praised."


-Perla Cecilia (4th. Grade)


What the volunteers are saying...

"I am reminded of God’s faithfulness as the sun warms the cool morning air. While I stand outside the entrance to Eagle College a feeling of excitement grips me, then I am humbled by the memory of the stories I have heard and the pictures I have seen. The thought of so many people working together by the leading of the One we serve to accomplish a good work. After being lead along by a consistent nudge I found myself standing on site; the place I would call “my work place” for a week. I wanted to use the gifts and abilities that God gave me to be a blessing. Good intentions right? I hope that was the case; however it was most likely not the main reason for me being there. As with many manmade plans and goals God has a way of exposing them to be inferior and reveals His plans and goals which are always better.


Work got done and everyone was grateful for that, however much more happened. Men where changed for the better. God showed himself over and over revealing His faithfulness and love thorough His people. Seeds where planted, new relationships where formed, young relationships where strengthened and old relationships rekindled. How wonderful it is to be with brothers and sisters in Christ, working towards a common goal. I have been blessed by having met Pastor Ramon and his wife Leti and have experienced God’s great love for his children (adults included) through the faithfulness of their service. I have also been blessed by the passion and zeal Ron has for the future of the children that will be attending the new school. I hope and pray for another opportunity to be a part of what God is doing in the hearts and lives of those identified with Eagle College through Christ our Savior. I am excited for the possibilities and eager to see how God’s plans unfold."


-Jim Smit



"Once again we see God choosing to raise up His work in a place most of us would never think possible. I can truly say that what once looked impossible for man (No way! Too dangerous.Too costly! Too big. Too far away.) now is gazed upon with amazement as God is proving again that all things are possible with Him . The Eagle College project is testimony that God will faithfully supply all we need when we trust and wait on Him. Though the time I spent there was too short, it was filled with wonderful experiences and rich blessings. I wastruly honored to be a guest of and become friends with some of the finest of God's servants. Eagle College stands as a beacon of light and hope in this border city, a city that has experienced far more than its share of violence and upheaval in recent years. God is working His plan in Miguel Aleman, but it will only come to fruition through continued giving, sacrifice,sweat, and the prayerful trust of His people."





"Throughout this past year, I’ve come to see that something which is absolutely essential if I desire to truly see how God can move and work in both my life and the lives of others, is flexibility. I’ve had many opportunities to experience this personally during my time here in Miguel Aleman and, more specifically, while working at EagleCollege .


One year ago, during the spring of 2009, I had the privilege of being placed at Holland Christian High School to student teach with Jane VanderBeek in the Spanish Department. During my time there, Jane went to visit a school in Mexico in order to begin establishing a “sister relationship” with that school. When I asked her about where the school was located, I remember she had said to me, “Oh, it’s just a little town that you’ve probably never heard of called Miguel Aleman.” The surprising thing was, I had heard of the town. In fact, I’d been to Miguel Aleman multiple times previously to volunteer with a ministry which was located there. What was even more amazing was the fact that I had remembered hearing mentioned, upon my visit to Miguel Aleman in the summer of 2007, that there were plans to start a Christian elementary school in the city. As it turns out, the school Jane was visiting was this exact same school. That was what I like to call a“God-Thing”—an experience that I didn’t understand as mere coincidence, but as God opening my eyes to a new direction in my life. As I heard Jane talk about Eagle College and their need for teachers, it became clear to me, despite all other plans I had made for myself for after I graduated college, that God had opened this door for me to walk through, and that I needed to be flexible and take hold of the opportunity He had prepared for me.


I’ve been here now since January of this year, teaching 5th and 6th grade English, and I can say that, though I had been to the city multiple times before, living and working here and being a part of the movement at Eagle College has provided me with many new opportunities in which I have needed to practice being flexible and making adjustments in different ways. Life here, simply put, is not like life in Michigan . The culture is quite different, the style of teaching and learning are not the same as what we in Michigan grew up with, and the current situation in this country is unlike any I have ever experienced in my own. But the beautiful thing, I have learned, is that by being humble and open to change, I have been able to see numerous ways in which God uses those differences and those unique aspects of this school, this city, and this country, to accomplish His will in the people here. It truly is astounding.


In fact, I’ve come to see that such openness, such flexibility, is what I really respect about Eagle College and the staff here. Especially with what is currently happening in Mexico , these have been months of stretching for everyone. With such instability, we have all had to learn what it means to give all claims for control over to God. I’ve learned so much through the example set by those with whom I work at Eagle College and their deep desire to follow God’s designs and to listen to His plans in everything done here at the school, rather than make their plans first and check for the Lord’s approval later. And they are flexible, accepting that God can work in mysterious ways, even in the most difficult of circumstances, and they constantly give glory and praise to Him for that fact.


And how thankful I am that God’s ways are not our ways; that His ways are greater than ours, for it is because of that truth that I have been able to see God use me in ways that I would have never imagined for myself! By being open to His direction, I have had the amazing opportunity to share in the mission here atEagle College , and to see how God can use my skills and abilities for a greater good; to realize that God sees potential in me, and in each person here, even when we don’t.


I look forward to another year at Eagle College and what God will reveal to me and to our school throughout it. I expect that God will stretch us in new ways as we continue to give of our lives to make an impact on the children here and the people around us for His Name’s sake, believing that God will use our flexibility for His glory in ways we could never image." 


-Noelle Smallish, Calvin College Graduate 2009



"When we were told that the church in Mexico had been praying for 22 years for someone to partnerwith them, we were humbled beyond words. God was opening doors for us to lead the building of schoolin Miguel Aleman. This is a border town that is known for drugs, gangs, and broken families. EagleCollege Elementary School is making a significant change in the community through the teaching of Englishand the Bible. We are excited about the potential of a new school building. There are now 135 kidsenrolled in a facility built for 50. This year, 30 students had to be turned away. We are committed to thisproject of providing a new school and are praying that others will catch the vision with us." 


-Jane Brouwer, volunteer



"Gracias a Dios por lo que esta haciendo en Eagle College, creemos que Eagle College es el proposito de Diospara esta ciudad y esta region de la frontera norte de Mexico, y que a travez de este colegio, Dios estaratransfomando personas, familias y ciudades enteras, vemos con agradecimiento a Dios que su mano estaen lo que se esta llevando a cabo y nuestra oracion es saber oir a Dios para dar los pasos cada dia en el establecimiento de su reino en la tierra." 


-Pastor Ramon Solis Morin, Iglesia Templo Belen

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