Eagle College Urgently Needs You!
Dear Friends,
For 17 years Eagle College has provided a high quality, Christian education to the children of
Miguel Aleman, allowing them a future beyond the drug cartels. Although providing the best
security available, the increasing threat of violence is great.
In 2019, 250 students were enrolled in preschool through 12th grade.
It was a great time for Eagle College. The students consistently received the highest scores on
tests, there was a great staff and enough classrooms. The mission was being fulfilled and
Eagle College was becoming self-sufficient.
Along with the onset of Covid, came a poor economy, unemployment and an increase of drug
cartels to the region. Parents felt that their children were not safe and enrollment began to drop.
Currently, Eagle College has only 105 students enrolled for classes starting in August, but 150
student, paying tuition, are needed to cover operational expenses. They project a shortfall of
$5,000.per month.
In order to provide the high quality Christian education to the children, we need your help!
To get them through this difficult time, $70,000 is needed to start up the new school year and to
cover the monthly short falls. Two donors have already pledged matching funds of $5,000 and
$25,000. This is a great start towards the ongoing operation of Eagle College, but the cartels
continue to fight for control with no indication of how long this situation will continue.
We believe Eagle College is in God’s hands. Meanwhile, your prayers and financial support are
urgently needed to keep Eagle College operational into the future.
Please consider a generous gift or a monthly pledge to Hope For Kids Mexico so Eagle College
can continue to change the lives of children and be a light in a deprived community. Your gift is
tax deductible. “Hope For Kids Mexico” is a tax-exempt organization as defined by section 501
C 3 of the Internal Revenue code.
Please mail your gift or pledge to: HOPE FOR KIDS MEXICO
P.O. Box 1661
Holland, MI. 49422