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Looking Ahead...

Hope for Kids Mexico would like to thank all of you for your past support in the building of a Pre-K through 6th grade school. In 2014, Eagle College Elementary School added 7th grade and then in 2015, an 8th grade was added. The completion of the last three classrooms brought the building to its capacity. Today, over 200 children are being loved and are learning about God’s plan for their life. But what about grades 9 through 12?

The Board of Hope For Kids Mexico started its mission in 2007 with the dream of a Christbased education on a single campus for all children. That is still our vision today! It is essential that we complete our mission with building of a middle/high School within the next two years. If a high school is absent, lives will be lost to the corruption of the city. By following God’s plan, we can equip these students with life skills enabling them to give back to the community and to have a positive influence on those around them. Eagle College is about changing lives and we have already seen so many evidences of that happening through these students!

Once again, we need your help to go where God is leading and for this to become a reality Hope for Kids Mexico needs $350,000 to complete a campus through the 12th grade. What a blessing that would be to the community!

Requested Funds for the following:

Middle/High School Building………$350,000

7th & 8th Grade Computers………… $8,000

P/A Sound System………….……… .$2,500

Folding Tables (8ft long)………….….$1,000

Folding Chairs (200)…………………..$4,800

Thank you for support on these needs!

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